Some random ideas right now regarding programming after spending a little time on Jim Steel's blog.
85% 60 total reps
93% 10 x 1
85% for 5x5
95% for 6 sets of 1
week 1: 80% 5x2, 60% x 12
week 2: 85% 5x2, 65% x 12
week 3: 80% x 2, 85% x 2, 90% 2x1, 80% 4x3, 65% x 12
week 4: 80% x 2, 85% x 2, 90% x 1, 95% x 1, 70% x 10
week 5: 60% x 5, 70% x 2, 80% x 2, 90% x 1, 100% 2x1, 60% x 12
Kirk Karwoski Training Routine
I found this at This is Jim Steel's personal site and is chalk full of information, very much worth checking out.
The full article from Jim can be found here at:
Kirk's training routine.
Day 1- Monday- Squat- working up to a heavy set. He would cycle 8's for awhile, then 5's, then 3's and 2's as the weeks went on. Because he was so strong, his volume was still pretty high, and the tonnage was also. Kirk would hit some hack squats after squatting, but only if his knees werent bothering him. Basically, he would squat and leave.
Day 2- Tuesday- Arms- close grip bench press, ez curls, db curls. Heavy on all of this. He cycled the close grip and worked HEAVY on the db curls, strict with the 80's and up.
Day 3-Thursday- Deadlift- same kind of cycling as the squat, but usually lower reps becuase of grip issues. Lots of doubles and triples here. He then would do Kirk Shrugs. They were for his grip and trap development. He also at times, did some t-bar rows, focusing on squeezing at the top. He felt like they contributed to his back development.
Day 4- Saturday- Bench Press- lots of sets of 5 here, heavy and pausing. Eventually, before a meet, he would do heavy doubles and singles.
Incline press- heavy sets of 5 here
Lateral raises- he would work these on a machine, just a few sets.
No pressing, lat pulls, pushdowns dips, etc. He just liked barbells, and training heavy.
The full article from Jim can be found here at:
Kirk's training routine.
Day 1- Monday- Squat- working up to a heavy set. He would cycle 8's for awhile, then 5's, then 3's and 2's as the weeks went on. Because he was so strong, his volume was still pretty high, and the tonnage was also. Kirk would hit some hack squats after squatting, but only if his knees werent bothering him. Basically, he would squat and leave.
Day 2- Tuesday- Arms- close grip bench press, ez curls, db curls. Heavy on all of this. He cycled the close grip and worked HEAVY on the db curls, strict with the 80's and up.
Day 3-Thursday- Deadlift- same kind of cycling as the squat, but usually lower reps becuase of grip issues. Lots of doubles and triples here. He then would do Kirk Shrugs. They were for his grip and trap development. He also at times, did some t-bar rows, focusing on squeezing at the top. He felt like they contributed to his back development.
Day 4- Saturday- Bench Press- lots of sets of 5 here, heavy and pausing. Eventually, before a meet, he would do heavy doubles and singles.
Incline press- heavy sets of 5 here
Lateral raises- he would work these on a machine, just a few sets.
No pressing, lat pulls, pushdowns dips, etc. He just liked barbells, and training heavy.
A workout I missed posting - Rack Pulls.
This one was done the week of November 13th. Not sure what day it was though. It was a fun one. This was the first time I did knee high rack pulls. It was a BLAST!!!
Deadlift (Speed Pulls)
135x5, 225x5, 275x3, 275x3, 275x3, 275x3, 275x3, 275x3, 275x3, 275x3, 275x3, 275x3
Rack Pulls (Just above the knee)
135x3, 225x3, 315x3, 405x3, 495x3, 545x3, 585x3, 585x3, 585x3, 585x3, 585x3, 585x3
Deadlift (Speed Pulls)
135x5, 225x5, 275x3, 275x3, 275x3, 275x3, 275x3, 275x3, 275x3, 275x3, 275x3, 275x3
Rack Pulls (Just above the knee)
135x3, 225x3, 315x3, 405x3, 495x3, 545x3, 585x3, 585x3, 585x3, 585x3, 585x3, 585x3
Tuesday, November 29, 2011 - SSB Smolov Day 6
SSB Squats
Bar x 10, 160x5, 210x5, 240x5, 270x1, 300x5, 300x5, 300x5, 300x5, 300x5, 320x1, 340x1, 360x1
Bench Leg Raises x 100
Bar x 10, 160x5, 210x5, 240x5, 270x1, 300x5, 300x5, 300x5, 300x5, 300x5, 320x1, 340x1, 360x1
Bench Leg Raises x 100
Monday, November 28, 2011 - SSB Smolov Day 5
SSB Squats
Bar x 10, 160x5, 210x5, 240x5, 265x5, 280x9, 280x9, 290x9, 290x9
Rhino Squats/Deadlift (I just had to try these and they are amazing!)
SSB x 110 + Bar x 135 x 5
1000m Row - 3:45
Bar x 10, 160x5, 210x5, 240x5, 265x5, 280x9, 280x9, 290x9, 290x9
Rhino Squats/Deadlift (I just had to try these and they are amazing!)
SSB x 110 + Bar x 135 x 5
1000m Row - 3:45
Saturday, November 26, 2011 - SSB Smolov Day 4
SSB Squats
Bar x 10, 160x5, 210x3, 240x3, 280x3, 297.5x1, 315x3, 315x3, 315x3, 315x3, 315x3, 315x3, 315x3, 315x3, 315x3, 315x3
Bar x 10, 160x5, 210x3, 240x3, 280x3, 297.5x1, 315x3, 315x3, 315x3, 315x3, 315x3, 315x3, 315x3, 315x3, 315x3, 315x3
Tuesday, November 22, 2011 - SSB Smolov Day 2
SSB Squats
Bar x 10, 160x5, 210x5, 240x3, 280x7, 280x7, 280x7, 280x7, 280x7
Russian Twist - 25x10x2
Overhead Press
45x12, 95x5, 115x5, 135x5, 155x7, 175x1
Bar x 10, 160x5, 210x5, 240x3, 280x7, 280x7, 280x7, 280x7, 280x7
Russian Twist - 25x10x2
Overhead Press
45x12, 95x5, 115x5, 135x5, 155x7, 175x1
Monday, November 21, 2011 - SSB Smolov Day 1
Ryan and I decided to kick off a cycle of Smolov using the Safety Squat Bar. I'm working off of a 370 1RM. I have a 39o with it but since it's the SSB and Smolov I dumped 20 pounds of the max for programming.
SSB Squats
Bar x 10, 160x5, 230x5, 260x9, 260x9, 260x9, 260x9
Medball Situps x 50
Bench Leg Raise x 40
KB Rows x 10
SSB Squats
Bar x 10, 160x5, 230x5, 260x9, 260x9, 260x9, 260x9
Medball Situps x 50
Bench Leg Raise x 40
KB Rows x 10
Saturday, November 19, 2011 - Turkey Trot
I went to the Turkey Trot competition to support the two method teams. What a blast and a great showing by method.

Wednesday, November 16, 2011 - Farmers Carries
SSB Squats
Bar x 10, 160x5, 250x9, 280x9
Farmers Carries
115 Per Hand x 1 down and back
115 Per Hand x 1 down and back
205 Per Hand x 1 down and back
205 Per Hand x 1 down and back
225 Per Hand x 1 down and back
225 Per Hand x down
225 Per Hand x back
225 Per Hand x down
225 Per Hand x back
Axle Overhead Press
25x10, 75x5, 95x5, 115x5, 145x5, 165x3, 175x2,
Axle Overhead Press Volume
115x10, 115x9, 115x5

Bar x 10, 160x5, 250x9, 280x9
Farmers Carries
115 Per Hand x 1 down and back
115 Per Hand x 1 down and back
205 Per Hand x 1 down and back
205 Per Hand x 1 down and back
225 Per Hand x 1 down and back
225 Per Hand x down
225 Per Hand x back
225 Per Hand x down
225 Per Hand x back
Axle Overhead Press
25x10, 75x5, 95x5, 115x5, 145x5, 165x3, 175x2,
Axle Overhead Press Volume
115x10, 115x9, 115x5
Friday, November 11, 2011 - Safety Squat Bar Squats
What a night at the gym. I have never maxed SSB Squats so I decided to do it. NOT the smartest thing but I have never once said I was smart. I worked up to an easy 390 and decided to go for 430. Stupid I know but still I was feeling pretty strong. So that crushed me forward just as the SSB is supposed to do. I dumped 20 pounds off it it and thought I would try that. What does it do? It starts to dump me forward so I try and push backwards and I end up taking a step back and falling backwards dumping 410 pounds on the ground. Not even remotely smart. I'm so glad there wasn't a bunch of people in there as someone could have really gotten hurt. Well, now I know I have a goal to work towards with the SSB, bury 410 and then 430. Looking forward to putting in the work to destroy those numbers.
So then I did volume and speed after that. Not at all the smartest workout but it was fun and I wanted to get under the bar after falling. No way was I going to sit back and not squat after that.
After that Ryan had me do Rowing Annie with him. I must say I really appreciate the motivation especially when it comes to something I wouldn't normally do.
Overall a strange but great night of training. Too bad there wasn't a 6:30 class, I didn't want to leave.
SSB Squats
70x10, 160x5, 210x5, 250x3, 300x3, 340x1, 370x1, 390x1 (PR), 430 x F, 410 x F
SSB Squats Volume
210x9, 210x9, 210x9, 210x9
SSB Speed
210x3, 210x3, 210x3, 210x3, 210x3
Rowing Annie
Row - 500 - 400 - 300 - 200 - 100
Abmat Situps - 50 - 40 - 30 - 20 - 10
So then I did volume and speed after that. Not at all the smartest workout but it was fun and I wanted to get under the bar after falling. No way was I going to sit back and not squat after that.
After that Ryan had me do Rowing Annie with him. I must say I really appreciate the motivation especially when it comes to something I wouldn't normally do.
Overall a strange but great night of training. Too bad there wasn't a 6:30 class, I didn't want to leave.
SSB Squats
70x10, 160x5, 210x5, 250x3, 300x3, 340x1, 370x1, 390x1 (PR), 430 x F, 410 x F
SSB Squats Volume
210x9, 210x9, 210x9, 210x9
SSB Speed
210x3, 210x3, 210x3, 210x3, 210x3
Rowing Annie
Row - 500 - 400 - 300 - 200 - 100
Abmat Situps - 50 - 40 - 30 - 20 - 10
Safety Squat Bar
Below is a little info I pulled from T-Nation and a Blood and Chalk interview with Jim Wendler. Very cool stuff. The whole article can be seen HERE.
T NATION: Jim, any thoughts on the safety squat bar?
JW: Of all the different specialty bars on the market, this is the one I recommend most. The safety bar develops great brute strength. It's a phenomenal way to build your lower back, legs, and upper back. The key is to not get too fancy with it.
The two exercises I recommend are simple, the good morning and the squat. When squatting with the safety squat bar, the weight is cambered out in front of you, causing you to feel like it's dumping you forward. This forces you to use your entire back to keep it steady. Yes, it can look ugly when you muscle it up out of the hole, but no one gets points in the weight room for looking pretty, Planet Fitness notwithstanding.
Not only will squatting with this bar help your squat but it will help your deadlift in every way, from the legs to lower and upper back. Because of the camber of the bar, it's like doing a front squat without the fear of losing the bar forward. Front squats are a great assistance exercise for the deadlift. Think of the safety squat bar as front squatting without having to think about form.
Also, the bar is very easy on your shoulders. You don't have to externally rotate your shoulders when using it so it's a great way to add volume to your squat training without the shoulder discomfort.
As for the good morning, it's probably the best assistance exercise for your deadlift as few exercises do a better job at training the lower back and hamstrings. The safety squat bar is ideal for good mornings as it also works the hell out of the upper back, an added component you don't get with the straight bar. The only issue people have is that the pad can sometimes be uncomfortable at the bottom of the lift. But really, if this is your major problem, let's just say you may need another type of pad to help another, more pressing problem.
If you're using the 5/3/1 program, here's a simple way to use this bar in your training.
On squat days, your second exercise would be safety bar good mornings. On deadlift days, use the safety bar as nature intended, for squatting.
You can use the 5/3/1 set/rep program for these assistance lifts or do the very challenging Boring But Big sets/reps. I'm currently writing assistance lift sets/reps programming for the "big" assistance lifts (safety bar squats, good mornings, leg presses, straight leg deads), but it needs to be fine-tuned and polished before I release it.
The final point is, if you have access to the bar, use it. If you can afford it, get one. Your lifts will thank you.
Below if Fred Hatfield the inventor of the Safety Squat Bar and first man to squat over a grand.
T NATION: Jim, any thoughts on the safety squat bar?
JW: Of all the different specialty bars on the market, this is the one I recommend most. The safety bar develops great brute strength. It's a phenomenal way to build your lower back, legs, and upper back. The key is to not get too fancy with it.
The two exercises I recommend are simple, the good morning and the squat. When squatting with the safety squat bar, the weight is cambered out in front of you, causing you to feel like it's dumping you forward. This forces you to use your entire back to keep it steady. Yes, it can look ugly when you muscle it up out of the hole, but no one gets points in the weight room for looking pretty, Planet Fitness notwithstanding.
Not only will squatting with this bar help your squat but it will help your deadlift in every way, from the legs to lower and upper back. Because of the camber of the bar, it's like doing a front squat without the fear of losing the bar forward. Front squats are a great assistance exercise for the deadlift. Think of the safety squat bar as front squatting without having to think about form.
Also, the bar is very easy on your shoulders. You don't have to externally rotate your shoulders when using it so it's a great way to add volume to your squat training without the shoulder discomfort.
As for the good morning, it's probably the best assistance exercise for your deadlift as few exercises do a better job at training the lower back and hamstrings. The safety squat bar is ideal for good mornings as it also works the hell out of the upper back, an added component you don't get with the straight bar. The only issue people have is that the pad can sometimes be uncomfortable at the bottom of the lift. But really, if this is your major problem, let's just say you may need another type of pad to help another, more pressing problem.
If you're using the 5/3/1 program, here's a simple way to use this bar in your training.
On squat days, your second exercise would be safety bar good mornings. On deadlift days, use the safety bar as nature intended, for squatting.
You can use the 5/3/1 set/rep program for these assistance lifts or do the very challenging Boring But Big sets/reps. I'm currently writing assistance lift sets/reps programming for the "big" assistance lifts (safety bar squats, good mornings, leg presses, straight leg deads), but it needs to be fine-tuned and polished before I release it.
The final point is, if you have access to the bar, use it. If you can afford it, get one. Your lifts will thank you.
Below if Fred Hatfield the inventor of the Safety Squat Bar and first man to squat over a grand.

Wednesday, November 09, 2011 - Bench Press
Bench Press
45x12, 135x10, 135x5, 155x5, 185x5, 225x3, 245x6, 275x1, 280x1
Floor Press
135x10, 185x10, 205x7, 205x7, 205x7, 205x6, 205x5, 205x4
Blue Band Tri Pullover
12, 12, 12, 12, 12
Blue Band Face Pulls
25, 25, 25, 25
45x12, 135x10, 135x5, 155x5, 185x5, 225x3, 245x6, 275x1, 280x1
Floor Press
135x10, 185x10, 205x7, 205x7, 205x7, 205x6, 205x5, 205x4
Blue Band Tri Pullover
12, 12, 12, 12, 12
Blue Band Face Pulls
25, 25, 25, 25
Monday, November 07, 2011 - SSB Squats
What an absolute blast at the gym tonight. Messed with the Safety Squat Bar and chains with Nate and Ryan.
Safety Squat Bar Squats
Bar x 10, 160x5
210+1 chain x 3
210+2 chains x 3
210+3 chains x 3
210+4 chains x 3
260+4 chains x 3
260+3+1 chains x 3
260+4+1 chains x 3
260+4+2 chains x 3
270+4+2 chains x 1
300+4+2 chains x 1 (ugly)
300+4+2 chains x 1 (better)
300+4+2 chains x 1 (good) 500 pounds at the top.
Abmat Situps - 100
Safety Squat Bar Squats
Bar x 10, 160x5
210+1 chain x 3
210+2 chains x 3
210+3 chains x 3
210+4 chains x 3
260+4 chains x 3
260+3+1 chains x 3
260+4+1 chains x 3
260+4+2 chains x 3
270+4+2 chains x 1
300+4+2 chains x 1 (ugly)
300+4+2 chains x 1 (better)
300+4+2 chains x 1 (good) 500 pounds at the top.
Abmat Situps - 100
Sunday, November 06, 2011 - Overhead Press
Overhead Press
45x12, 75x5, 95x5, 105x3, 135x3, 155x3, 185x2, 200xF
Overhead Press with Chains
160+4 chains x 3
160+6 chains x 2
160+8 chains x F
45x12, 75x5, 95x5, 105x3, 135x3, 155x3, 185x2, 200xF
Overhead Press with Chains
160+4 chains x 3
160+6 chains x 2
160+8 chains x F
Wednesday, November 02, 2011 - Bench Press
Bench Press
45x12, 135x5, 135x5, 155x5, 185x3, 205x3, 235x8, 255x1, 275x1
Volume Bench Press
155x10, 155x10, 155x10, 155x10, 155x10
Deadhang Chins
8, 6, 5, 4
Abmat Situps - 100
Box Jump - 37" (PR)
45x12, 135x5, 135x5, 155x5, 185x3, 205x3, 235x8, 255x1, 275x1
Volume Bench Press
155x10, 155x10, 155x10, 155x10, 155x10
Deadhang Chins
8, 6, 5, 4
Abmat Situps - 100
Box Jump - 37" (PR)
Tuesday, November 01, 2011 - Front Squats
What a fun night at the gym. All of the guys working on their training and having fun.
Front Squat
45x10, 95x5, 135x5, 185x3, 225x3, 255x1, 315x1 (PR), 335xF
Front Squat Volume
225x5, 225x5, 225x5, 225x5, 225x5
Box Jumps
30"x5, 32"x5, 34"x5, 36"x5, 36"x5, 36"x5
Abmat Situps x 100
Jump Rope x 5 min.
Front Squat
45x10, 95x5, 135x5, 185x3, 225x3, 255x1, 315x1 (PR), 335xF
Front Squat Volume
225x5, 225x5, 225x5, 225x5, 225x5
Box Jumps
30"x5, 32"x5, 34"x5, 36"x5, 36"x5, 36"x5
Abmat Situps x 100
Jump Rope x 5 min.
Saturday, October 29, 2011 - Overhead Press
Overhead Press
45x12, 75x5, 95x5, 105x3, 135x3, 150x3, 160x8, 180x1, 185x1
Volume Overhead Press
105x10, 105x10, 105x10, 105x10, 105x10
Blue Band Tri-Pullovers (Toes on the edge of the platform)
12, 12, 12, 12, 12
Abmat Situps
20, 20, 20, 20, 20
45x12, 75x5, 95x5, 105x3, 135x3, 150x3, 160x8, 180x1, 185x1
Volume Overhead Press
105x10, 105x10, 105x10, 105x10, 105x10
Blue Band Tri-Pullovers (Toes on the edge of the platform)
12, 12, 12, 12, 12
Abmat Situps
20, 20, 20, 20, 20
Friday, October 28, 2011 - Squat
I had a ton of fun at the gym tonight. JT, Ryan, Nate, Jarod, everyone was just getting in some lifting in and trash talking. Pretty cool.
45x12, 135x5, 155x5, 185x5, 225x3, 256x3c, 315x3, 345x9
Volume Squats
225x10, 225x10, 225x10, 225x10, 225x10
45x12, 135x5, 155x5, 185x5, 225x3, 256x3c, 315x3, 345x9
Volume Squats
225x10, 225x10, 225x10, 225x10, 225x10
Wednesday, October 26, 2011 - Bench Press
Bench Press
45x12, 135x5, 135x5, 155x5, 165x5, 185x5, 225x9
Volume Bench Press
155x10 CG, 155x10 CG, 155x7 MG, 155x8 MG, 155x7 WG, 155x7 WG
Kettlebell Rows (Kroc)
70x15, 70x15, 70x15, 70x15, 70x15
45x12, 135x5, 135x5, 155x5, 165x5, 185x5, 225x9
Volume Bench Press
155x10 CG, 155x10 CG, 155x7 MG, 155x8 MG, 155x7 WG, 155x7 WG
Kettlebell Rows (Kroc)
70x15, 70x15, 70x15, 70x15, 70x15
Tuesday, October 26, 2011 - Deadlift
This was my first time deadlifting in a few months I think. I didn't feel very strong but I feel good about where I'm at with the chosen weight for 5/3/1.
My hip is hurting again though so that sucks.
135x12, 155x5, 225x5, 275x5, 315x5, 355x12
Front Squats
135x10, 135x10, 135x10, 135x10, 135x10, 135x10, 135x10, 135x10
Reverse Hyper
90x10, 90x10, 90x10
My hip is hurting again though so that sucks.
135x12, 155x5, 225x5, 275x5, 315x5, 355x12
Front Squats
135x10, 135x10, 135x10, 135x10, 135x10, 135x10, 135x10, 135x10
Reverse Hyper
90x10, 90x10, 90x10
Sunday, October 23, 2011 - Squats
Went to method for the free gym time on Sunday and just did a few squats and met some of the great folks.
45x12, 135x5, 155x5, 185x5, 225x3, 245x5, 285x5, 315x10
45x12, 135x5, 155x5, 185x5, 225x3, 245x5, 285x5, 315x10
Friday, October 21, 2011 - Bench Press
So this finishes out my week of upper body pressing. My hip and back are feeling great and I will kick off the 5/3/1 program on Monday. I can't wait. Time to get brutally strong.
Bench Press
45x12, 135x5, 155x5, 185x3, 225x3, 245x3
Sling Shot Bench Press
265x5, 295x3, 315x2, 335xF
Bench Press - Finisher
Bench Press
45x12, 135x5, 155x5, 185x3, 225x3, 245x3
Sling Shot Bench Press
265x5, 295x3, 315x2, 335xF
Bench Press - Finisher
Thursday, October 20, 2011 - Overhead Press
My hip is feeling pretty darn good right now. I decided to do a little OHP work with my numbers starting my first cycle of 5/3/1 again. I will use the same weights next week for my 5s week.
Mobility and Warmup
Overhead Press
45x12, 75x5, 95x5, 105x3, 135x5, 150x10
Overhead Press Volume
105x10, 105x10, 105x10, 105x10, 105x10
Reverse Hyper
70x12, 90x12, 90x12, 90x12, 90x12
Ring Dips w/Red Band
10, 10, 10
Mobility and Warmup
Overhead Press
45x12, 75x5, 95x5, 105x3, 135x5, 150x10
Overhead Press Volume
105x10, 105x10, 105x10, 105x10, 105x10
Reverse Hyper
70x12, 90x12, 90x12, 90x12, 90x12
Ring Dips w/Red Band
10, 10, 10
Wednesday, October 19, 2011 - Reverse Hyper & B4B
I worked on mobility a lot today to get my hip back in shape, it's feeling a TON better. That Reverse Hyper is AWESOME!
I also went to the Barbells for Boobs event at CrossFit Unbroken. It was quite an event with lots of support from the CF community. There was some impressive performances.
Reverse Hyper
50x15, 50x15, 50x15, 50x15, 50x15
Deadhang Chins
7, 7, 7, 5, 5
I also went to the Barbells for Boobs event at CrossFit Unbroken. It was quite an event with lots of support from the CF community. There was some impressive performances.
Reverse Hyper
50x15, 50x15, 50x15, 50x15, 50x15
Deadhang Chins
7, 7, 7, 5, 5
Tuesday, October 18, 2011 - Bench Press
Went to method and did a little benching. Nate and I chatted about this little (HUGE) pain I have going on in my hip and it appears to be a sciatic nerve issue. After moving around in the gym and doing some sets on the Reverse Hyper I felt better this afternoon than I have in a week. That was motivating as the pain and just inconvenience of it has been getting me down.
Bench Press
45x12, 105x5, 135x5, 155x3, 185x5, 210x12
Deadhang Chins
6, 6, 6, 6, 6
SlingShot Bench Press
245x10, 245x10, 245x10, 245x10
Reverse Hyper
50x10, 50x12, 50x12
Bent over KB Rows
75x12, 75x12, 75x12
Mobility work
Bench Press
45x12, 105x5, 135x5, 155x3, 185x5, 210x12
Deadhang Chins
6, 6, 6, 6, 6
SlingShot Bench Press
245x10, 245x10, 245x10, 245x10
Reverse Hyper
50x10, 50x12, 50x12
Bent over KB Rows
75x12, 75x12, 75x12
Mobility work
Saturday, October 15, 2011 - FRCF Masters Comp.
I took the boys to the FRCF Masters competition. It was quite amazing really. There were lots of beautiful and very fit folks. I would have to say though the most motivating thing was the 69 year old former Marine completing the workouts. This guy was a badass.
Friday, October 14, 2011 - DH Chins and Mobility
Joe went to method with me and ROCKED IT!!!! He messed around with some box jumping, rope climbs, chins, and helped around the gym.
I did two squats with Ryan and hurt my hip even more. TWO SQUATS! GEEZ! Time to train smarter. Going to do a lot of mobility and train around my hip. focus on upper body things.
Did quite a bit of mobility.
DH Chins
I did two squats with Ryan and hurt my hip even more. TWO SQUATS! GEEZ! Time to train smarter. Going to do a lot of mobility and train around my hip. focus on upper body things.
Did quite a bit of mobility.
DH Chins
Thursday, October 13, 2011 - method Olympic class
Went to the 0600 O class at method. We did front squats. So much for training smart. I should have rested my hip but I having been having too much fun at method. I don't want to wuss out. Turns out I should have wussed out. I am adding this to the blog here on the 18th and it hurts to sit here and type. Gah.
Split Jerk
95x5, 105x5, 115x5, 135x5, 145x5
Front Squat
135x5, 155x5, 175x5, 225x5, 225x3, 225x3, 225x3
Split Jerk
95x5, 105x5, 115x5, 135x5, 145x5
Front Squat
135x5, 155x5, 175x5, 225x5, 225x3, 225x3, 225x3
Tuesday, October 11, 2011 - Bench Press
Afternoon Benching at method. One thing I didn't mention is the added mobility work I have been learning and performing at method. Lots of great shoulder and hip stuff. My shoulders feel AMAZING but sadly I messed something up in my left glute. Not sure what I did but it hurts to sit, walk, and even roll over in bed. WTF?!
Bench Press
45x15, 135x10, 155x5, 165x5, 185x5, 205x5, 225x5, 245x2
Deadhang Chins (in-between sets of bench)
10, 8, 5, 5, 4, 4, 6
Volume Bench Close Grip
135x10, 135x10, 135x10 wg
Bench Press
45x15, 135x10, 155x5, 165x5, 185x5, 205x5, 225x5, 245x2
Deadhang Chins (in-between sets of bench)
10, 8, 5, 5, 4, 4, 6
Volume Bench Close Grip
135x10, 135x10, 135x10 wg
Monday, October 10, 2011 - method CrossFit
I landed in Colorado on the 9th. The boys and I had an absolutely wonderful road trip. What a blast that was!!!
Made it into method for the 0600 O class and worked on Hang Snatches. I haven't done a snatch in over a year. That was pretty fun.
Hang Snatch
65x5, 75x5, 95x5, 105x5, 125x5
Box Jumps
Worked up to a set of 5 at 33" (pretty easy but didn't want to get too stupid on my first day)
Went back to method at 1600 to Back Squat. What a blast.
Back Squat
Bar x 10, 135x5, 185x5, 225x5, 275x3, 315x5, 365x3
Made it into method for the 0600 O class and worked on Hang Snatches. I haven't done a snatch in over a year. That was pretty fun.
Hang Snatch
65x5, 75x5, 95x5, 105x5, 125x5
Box Jumps
Worked up to a set of 5 at 33" (pretty easy but didn't want to get too stupid on my first day)
Went back to method at 1600 to Back Squat. What a blast.
Back Squat
Bar x 10, 135x5, 185x5, 225x5, 275x3, 315x5, 365x3
A lot of changes
The last time I posted on this blog was in August and a lot sure has changed since then. In what was a VERY short amount of time I lost my job on the North Slope and we pretty much immediatly turned around and moved to Colorado. A good thing? That remains to be seen.
The Groj sure went through a change. I miss it...

The Groj sure went through a change. I miss it...
Squat (wraps) - 475 - July 06, 2011
Squat - 445 - April 11, 2011
Deadlift - 465 - April 25, 2011
Bench Press - 305 - April 13, 2011
OH Press - 200 - March 26, 2011
Squat - 445 - April 11, 2011
Deadlift - 465 - April 25, 2011
Bench Press - 305 - April 13, 2011
OH Press - 200 - March 26, 2011
Stone Loading and Strongman Stuff
Chandler from GoEliteSC Stone Loading.
Chandler from GoEliteSC Farmer's Carry.
Rob Orlando on Stone Loading.
Chandler from GoEliteSC Farmer's Carry.
Rob Orlando on Stone Loading.
Thursday, July 07, 2011 - Active Rest Day
So yesterday I took my 475 squat video and posted it on Facebook. I'm not sure what I was trying to accomplish by doing that. The more I thought about it the more it worked on me so I took it down. It is a video capture of a moment I spent in the gym and nothing more. In the grande scheme it does nothing but document a step I took on this journey. I'm not strong. It isn't a great accomplishment. It was a step to a larger goal and nothing more. It is here for later reference on form or to document progress and in reality it doesn't need to be anything more than that. Hopefully in a year from now I can look back on it and see just how weak I was in that video.
CoC Gripper L&R
#1 5x10
#2 R = 1x2 - L=two hand close and resistance open.
Neck Harness
50x25, 60x20, 70x12x4
SlingShot Pushups
Band Pull Aparts (Red Band)
CoC Gripper L&R
#1 5x10
#2 R = 1x2 - L=two hand close and resistance open.
Neck Harness
50x25, 60x20, 70x12x4
SlingShot Pushups
Band Pull Aparts (Red Band)
Wednesday, July 06, 2011 - Squats
45x12, 135x5, 225x5, 245x5, 275x3, 315x3, 355x3, 405x3 (PR), 425x3 Wraps (PR), 475x1 Wraps (PR) Thank you.
45x12, 135x5, 225x5, 245x5, 275x3, 315x3, 355x3, 405x3 (PR), 425x3 Wraps (PR), 475x1 Wraps (PR) Thank you.
Monday, July 04, 2011 - Overhead Press
Overhead Press
45x12, 75x5, 95x5, 110x5, 135x3, 150x3, 165x7, 185x1, 190x2
Overhead Press Volume
Deadhang Chinups (Palms Facing)
10, 5x7
EZ Curls
Overhead Press
45x12, 75x5, 95x5, 110x5, 135x3, 150x3, 165x7, 185x1, 190x2
Overhead Press Volume
Deadhang Chinups (Palms Facing)
10, 5x7
EZ Curls
The Continental Clean (and Press)
I pulled this from Rob Orlando's site, If you stumble across my page here make sure you check out that site. It is growing and there is going to be a ton of information there regarding strongman movements. Below is Rob's description and a few videos.
Continental Clean
For the continental clean you will deadlift the bar with a mixed grip. Then hang clean it to the top of your belly. At this point you will need to lean back and stick out your gut as far as possible. While you’re leaning back you need to “pop” the bar up and switch your grip to a double over. From there you will “pop” the bar off your belly up to the rack position. There are several stages to this lift so you need to be patient. Practice light and slowly build up in weight.
Here is a video of Brad Ardrey with a 340 pound Continental Clean and Press.
Bulky Boy Gym and a 333x3 Continental.
Continental Clean
For the continental clean you will deadlift the bar with a mixed grip. Then hang clean it to the top of your belly. At this point you will need to lean back and stick out your gut as far as possible. While you’re leaning back you need to “pop” the bar up and switch your grip to a double over. From there you will “pop” the bar off your belly up to the rack position. There are several stages to this lift so you need to be patient. Practice light and slowly build up in weight.
Here is a video of Brad Ardrey with a 340 pound Continental Clean and Press.
Bulky Boy Gym and a 333x3 Continental.
Multiple Days
I don't have much to report at all. Training has gone totally by the wayside and sleep has taken over. I'm just so dang tired all of the time. I have been working 3+ week hitches and haven't had more than 6 days off in a row since May.
I did get in some overhead presses one day and I have been doing neck harness work pretty religiously. I have worked up to sets of 50x25x5 on that.
Time to get back in the gym. NQ. Never, ever, ever, ever fucking quit.
I did get in some overhead presses one day and I have been doing neck harness work pretty religiously. I have worked up to sets of 50x25x5 on that.
Time to get back in the gym. NQ. Never, ever, ever, ever fucking quit.
Tuesday, June 14, 2011 - Male on Male Rape Prevention
Rest Day.
Neck Harness
Below is an article from Jim Wendler posted at
A how-to guide to keeping the predators at bay.
During an academic conversation with my friend Matt Vincent, the issue of being strong and awesome came up as a topic, as it always does. Matt shares a lot of the same ideas about training, life and our love of our big Bear friend, Jason Pegg. Two topics were of note. The first was how to avoid being raped and the second was how to train if we knew the apocalypse was coming. This spill is on the former.
First, you gotta have some strength in the legs and hips . This is paramount when you initially have to take an athletic stance to not be thrown down. Keep the legs strong and bent and in an athletic position. You need to learn to brace yourself against the agitator. Solution: Squats and Deadlifts
Second, you need to combine this lower body work with strong shoulders and lats. This will allow you to engage and toss the foe once your base has been set . Solution: Pressing, chins, and rows.
Third, you must have good grip and arm strength. Grabbing cloth, arm or a throat to dissuade the penetration is a good way of warding off the attack. Solution: high rep DB rows, curls, towel/rope chins.
Fourth, you need to have a strong core to maintain balance during the struggle. Solution: Deadlifts, good mornings, back raises, hanging leg raises, sit-ups and the ab wheel.
Fifth, you need some footwork to shuffle and move quick to avoid anal assault. Solution: Jumping Rope
Finally, you need to be in some kind of decent shape - this is not a marathon fight (few are, no fights are 3 rounds like the UFC fighters engage in). I recommend short bursts of physical activity. Solution: Prowler and hill sprints.
In addition, Matt pointed out to me that while a smaller man may be more agile, a bigger, stronger man is always harder to contend with. So don’t be “that”
Neck Harness
Below is an article from Jim Wendler posted at
A how-to guide to keeping the predators at bay.
During an academic conversation with my friend Matt Vincent, the issue of being strong and awesome came up as a topic, as it always does. Matt shares a lot of the same ideas about training, life and our love of our big Bear friend, Jason Pegg. Two topics were of note. The first was how to avoid being raped and the second was how to train if we knew the apocalypse was coming. This spill is on the former.
First, you gotta have some strength in the legs and hips . This is paramount when you initially have to take an athletic stance to not be thrown down. Keep the legs strong and bent and in an athletic position. You need to learn to brace yourself against the agitator. Solution: Squats and Deadlifts
Second, you need to combine this lower body work with strong shoulders and lats. This will allow you to engage and toss the foe once your base has been set . Solution: Pressing, chins, and rows.
Third, you must have good grip and arm strength. Grabbing cloth, arm or a throat to dissuade the penetration is a good way of warding off the attack. Solution: high rep DB rows, curls, towel/rope chins.
Fourth, you need to have a strong core to maintain balance during the struggle. Solution: Deadlifts, good mornings, back raises, hanging leg raises, sit-ups and the ab wheel.
Fifth, you need some footwork to shuffle and move quick to avoid anal assault. Solution: Jumping Rope
Finally, you need to be in some kind of decent shape - this is not a marathon fight (few are, no fights are 3 rounds like the UFC fighters engage in). I recommend short bursts of physical activity. Solution: Prowler and hill sprints.
In addition, Matt pointed out to me that while a smaller man may be more agile, a bigger, stronger man is always harder to contend with. So don’t be “that”
Monday, June 13, 2011 - Overhead Press
My first 5's week on the new powerlifting program. So this was a medium week, no pushing the main movement.
Overhead Press
75x5, 95x5, 105x5, 120x5, 140x5, 155x5
Dumbbell Shoulder Press
EZ Curls
Palms In Deadhang Chins
10, 10, 8, 6, 6
Overhead Press
75x5, 95x5, 105x5, 120x5, 140x5, 155x5
Dumbbell Shoulder Press
EZ Curls
Palms In Deadhang Chins
10, 10, 8, 6, 6
Sunday, June 12, 2011 - Bench Accessory
I didn't get to make it to the gym on Friday due to working late so I was able to fit it in at the Aurora for at least my accessory. They heavier dumbbells were out for re-painting or some shit so I only had access to 50 pounders.
Incline DB Press
50+10 Pushups x 15 x 5
Chest Supported DB Rows
Face Pulls
Tri Pushdowns
55x25, 20, 20, 15, 12, 11
Incline DB Press
50+10 Pushups x 15 x 5
Chest Supported DB Rows
Face Pulls
Tri Pushdowns
55x25, 20, 20, 15, 12, 11
Saturday, June 11, 2011 - Deadlifts
I felt good but my back was a little sore from the squats on Thursday. A quick note to self, don't fuck around setting up for the deadlift. Breath, Bend, LIFT!
135x10, 185x5, 225x5, 275x3, 320x3, 365x3, 410x8, 435x1, 445x1
Good Mornings
135x10, 185x10, 185x10
Bent Over T-Bar Rows
90x10, 135x10, 135x10
Leg Curls
150x10, 180x10, 180x10
135x10, 185x5, 225x5, 275x3, 320x3, 365x3, 410x8, 435x1, 445x1
Good Mornings
135x10, 185x10, 185x10
Bent Over T-Bar Rows
90x10, 135x10, 135x10
Leg Curls
150x10, 180x10, 180x10
Thursday, June 09, 2011 - Squats
First time I have gone above 400 in a while on squats. My hip was feeling good. I didn't push my final 3 set and had 6 in my head as the goal and just stopped there to make sure I was still in deep on 5/3/1. I did my two singles and 425 shot up almost effortlessly. I was really pleased about that.
45x12, 135x5, 160x5. 200x5, 240x3, 275x3, 315x3, 355x6, 405x1, 425x1
Leg Press
Leg Extension
Stretched for a good while before and after this.
45x12, 135x5, 160x5. 200x5, 240x3, 275x3, 315x3, 355x6, 405x1, 425x1
Leg Press
Leg Extension
Stretched for a good while before and after this.
Monday, June 06, 2011 - Overhead Press
Finally back at it with 5/3/1. I got Jim's new book 5/3/1 for Powerlifting and pulled my program directly from that. I switched a few days around from they way I originally had and I added in only two singles. I will run the singles with 10 pounds and 20 pounds from what the final set is on Bench and Overhead Press and increase 15 pounds each time on squat and deadlift.
I really enjoy this program and YES, Justin I'm going to stick to the program.
Overhead Press
75x5, 90x5, 110x5, 135x3, 150x3, 165x9 (165x9 = 212 1RM), 175x1, 185x1
Seated Dumbbell Shoulder Press
EZ Bar Curls
Deadhang Chinups
BWx10x4, BWx7
I forgot to do a post from 06/05 -
Neck Harness - 60x15x3, 60x12x2
Videos of our OHP's tonight. Justin with 170 for 12 and me with 165 for 9.
I really enjoy this program and YES, Justin I'm going to stick to the program.
Overhead Press
75x5, 90x5, 110x5, 135x3, 150x3, 165x9 (165x9 = 212 1RM), 175x1, 185x1
Seated Dumbbell Shoulder Press
EZ Bar Curls
Deadhang Chinups
BWx10x4, BWx7
I forgot to do a post from 06/05 -
Neck Harness - 60x15x3, 60x12x2
Videos of our OHP's tonight. Justin with 170 for 12 and me with 165 for 9.
Saturday, June 04, 2011 - Bench Press & Deadlift
I think the little 30 in 30 Bench Press program is starting to take its toll. I did the 2x2 with 280 but I was pretty taxed. I'm slow as shit on the way down especially with the first rep so that is killing me.
Bench Press
45x10, 135x5, 205x5, 225x3, 265x2, 280x2, 280x2
EZ Bar Curl
135x10, 225x5, 315x5, 415x8
Single Arm KB Press
Bench Press
45x10, 135x5, 205x5, 225x3, 265x2, 280x2, 280x2
EZ Bar Curl
135x10, 225x5, 315x5, 415x8
Single Arm KB Press
Thursday, June 02, 2011 - Bench
Bench Press
135x10 MG, 135x5, 185x5, 225x5, 250x3, 250x6
Deadhang Chinups
35x4, 35x3+3, 6
Face Pulls
70x12, 90x12x4
135x10 MG, 135x5, 185x5, 225x5, 250x3, 250x6
Deadhang Chinups
35x4, 35x3+3, 6
Face Pulls
70x12, 90x12x4
Monday, May 30, 2011 - Bench & Squat
Got under the bar and did a few more squats. I'm starting to feel a little stronger again. Still had a little pain in my right leg but it's improving.
Bench Press
135x10 CG, 135x5, 205x3, 225x3x3
135x10, 185x5, 225x5, 275x5, 315x5
Kroc Rows
60x25, 60x30x2
Hamstring Curls
Ab Crunches
Neck Harness
Bench Press
135x10 CG, 135x5, 205x3, 225x3x3
135x10, 185x5, 225x5, 275x5, 315x5
Kroc Rows
60x25, 60x30x2
Hamstring Curls
Ab Crunches
Neck Harness
Saturday, May 28, 2011 - Bench/Deadlift
Bench Press
135x12, 185x5, 225x3, 270x2, 270x3
EZ Bar Curlz
100x12, 100x9, 100x7 CG
135x10, 225x5, 315x5, 395x5
Neck Harness
135x12, 185x5, 225x3, 270x2, 270x3
EZ Bar Curlz
100x12, 100x9, 100x7 CG
135x10, 225x5, 315x5, 395x5
Neck Harness
Friday, May 27, 2011 - Active Recovery
Deadhang Chinups
10, 5, 6, 5, 5
Deadhang Toes To Bar
7, 5, 6, 7
Kneeling Cable Crunches
100x20, 70x25, 70x25, 80x25
Treadmill, 15-min. @ 3.0 mph
10, 5, 6, 5, 5
Deadhang Toes To Bar
7, 5, 6, 7
Kneeling Cable Crunches
100x20, 70x25, 70x25, 80x25
Treadmill, 15-min. @ 3.0 mph
Thursday, May 26, 2011 - Bench Press
Bench Press
135x12 CG, 135x12 MG, 135x5, 185x5, 245x3, 245x5
Deadhang Chinups
10, 27.5x4+, 20x6, 6
12, 7, 5, 5, 6
Face Pulls
60x12, 80x10x4
135x12 CG, 135x12 MG, 135x5, 185x5, 245x3, 245x5
Deadhang Chinups
10, 27.5x4+, 20x6, 6
12, 7, 5, 5, 6
Face Pulls
60x12, 80x10x4
Tuesday, May 23, 2011 - H2Oasis
Spent a few hours climbing stairs and swimming with Theron at H2Oasis. :)
Monday, May 23, 2011 - Squats
I tried squatting for the first time. I still have a lot of pain in my right quad/groin. Ugh.
45x12, 135x5, 185x5, 225x5, 275x5
Wide Stance Box Squat - 12" Box & 3" Foam
Bench Press
45x12, 135x5, 185x5 MG, 225x3, 225x3, 225x3
Sling Shot Bench Press
Deadhang Chinups
Neck Harness
40x25, 40x20x3
Deadang Chinups
4, 5, 6
45x12, 135x5, 185x5, 225x5, 275x5
Wide Stance Box Squat - 12" Box & 3" Foam
Bench Press
45x12, 135x5, 185x5 MG, 225x3, 225x3, 225x3
Sling Shot Bench Press
Deadhang Chinups
Neck Harness
40x25, 40x20x3
Deadang Chinups
4, 5, 6
Saturday, May 21, 2011 - Overhead Press
Overhead Press
45x12, 95x5, 120x5, 120x5, 140x5, 165x7
Dumbbell Overhead Press
30x10, 35x10x5
Dumbbell Shoulder Front Raises
Deadhang Chinups
6, 6, 5, 6, 5
Neck Harness
Deadhang Chinups
3, 2, 3, 5, 2
45x12, 95x5, 120x5, 120x5, 140x5, 165x7
Dumbbell Overhead Press
30x10, 35x10x5
Dumbbell Shoulder Front Raises
Deadhang Chinups
6, 6, 5, 6, 5
Neck Harness
Deadhang Chinups
3, 2, 3, 5, 2
Friday, May 20, 2011 - Bench & Deadlift
Bench Press
45x10, 135x10, 135x10, 185x5, 235x3, 245x3, 257.5x5
135x10, 225x5, 315x5
Incline Ring Rows
EZ Curls
Back Raise
45x10, 135x10, 135x10, 185x5, 235x3, 245x3, 257.5x5
135x10, 225x5, 315x5
Incline Ring Rows
EZ Curls
Back Raise
Friday, May 13 - Thursday, May 19
This time was spent at the Aurora gym. Workouts consisted of mostly DB Bench, shoulder, or arms. Had a few nights of walks on the treadmill. Nothing really fancy here.
Some motivation
I haven't posted too many videos lately. Here are a couple from ST. One on here Mark is getting his Overkill bench shirt put on with a hand winch. OW!
Thursday, May 12, 2011 - Back
Kroc Rows
65x20, 75x20x4
Face Pulls
40x12, 55x12x4
Preacher Curls
80x12, 95x12, 110x10, 110x7, 110x10
Hammer Curls
20 Min. on Treadmill 2.88 mph.
Neck Harness
65x20, 75x20x4
Face Pulls
40x12, 55x12x4
Preacher Curls
80x12, 95x12, 110x10, 110x7, 110x10
Hammer Curls
20 Min. on Treadmill 2.88 mph.
Neck Harness
Tuesday, May 10, 2011 - Chest
Incline DB Press
65x12, 75x10, 75x10, 75x10, 75x10, 75x10
DB Incline Flies
30x10x5+5 ea. SS Pushups
Bench Dips
BWx20, 45x12, 65x12, 65x12, BWx15
Tri Rope Pullover
40x12, 55x10, 55x10, 55x7, 40x15
Neck Harness
65x12, 75x10, 75x10, 75x10, 75x10, 75x10
DB Incline Flies
30x10x5+5 ea. SS Pushups
Bench Dips
BWx20, 45x12, 65x12, 65x12, BWx15
Tri Rope Pullover
40x12, 55x10, 55x10, 55x7, 40x15
Neck Harness
Saturday, May 5, 2011 - Back
Kroc Rows
45x25, 45x25, 45x25, 45x25
Wide Grip Lat Pull to chest
115x12, 130x12, 145x12, 160X8, 175X6
Face Pulls
40x12, 40x12, 55x12, 55x12, 70x12, 70x12
Preacher Curls
65x12, 80x12, 95x12, 95x9, 95x8
DB Hammer Curls
30x10, 20x12, 20x12
Neck Harness
25x50, 25x50, 25x25, 25x25
45x25, 45x25, 45x25, 45x25
Wide Grip Lat Pull to chest
115x12, 130x12, 145x12, 160X8, 175X6
Face Pulls
40x12, 40x12, 55x12, 55x12, 70x12, 70x12
Preacher Curls
65x12, 80x12, 95x12, 95x9, 95x8
DB Hammer Curls
30x10, 20x12, 20x12
Neck Harness
25x50, 25x50, 25x25, 25x25
Friday, May 06, 2011 - Bench Press
Bench Press
135x12, 135x5, 135x5, 160x5, 190x3, 225x3, 245x8
Bench Press (Volume)
155x10, 155x10, 155x10, 155x10, 155x10
Tricep Pushdowns
50x12, 50x12, 40x12, 40x12, 40x12
Pec Deck
190x10, 190x10, 190x10
Deadhang Chinups
5, 5, 3, 3, 3
135x12, 135x5, 135x5, 160x5, 190x3, 225x3, 245x8
Bench Press (Volume)
155x10, 155x10, 155x10, 155x10, 155x10
Tricep Pushdowns
50x12, 50x12, 40x12, 40x12, 40x12
Pec Deck
190x10, 190x10, 190x10
Deadhang Chinups
5, 5, 3, 3, 3
Sunday, May 1, 2011 - Overhead Press
Overhead Press
75x5, 95x5, 110x5, 115x5, 135x5, 155x9
Overhead Press Volume
105x10, 105x10, 105x10, 105x10, 105x10
Deadhang Chinups
5, 5, 5, 5, 5
Straight Bar Curls
75x10, 75x10, 75x10
Hammer Curls & Tris
30x10+10, 30x10+10, 30x10+10
Overhead Press
75x5, 95x5, 110x5, 115x5, 135x5, 155x9
Overhead Press Volume
105x10, 105x10, 105x10, 105x10, 105x10
Deadhang Chinups
5, 5, 5, 5, 5
Straight Bar Curls
75x10, 75x10, 75x10
Hammer Curls & Tris
30x10+10, 30x10+10, 30x10+10
Saturday, April 30, 2011 - Squat
I had illusions of great things happening in the gym today. I was going to try and hit a triple with knee wraps and 450. Well, due to my dang groin 275 felt heavy as shit and really hurt. I decided to play it smart and just back off big time. I need to rehab this a bit.
135x5, 185x5, 225x3, 275x3
135x5, 185x5, 225x3, 275x3
Wednesday, April 27, 2011 - Bench Press
Added in the floor presses with chains and tried the Titan Super Ram today. I sure do love floor presses.
Bench Press
135x5, 135x5, 165x5, 180x8, 205x5, 235x9
Floor Press
185x10, 185+2 Chains+SR x 10, 185+6 Chains+SR x 10, 185+8 Chains+SR x 10, 185+8 Chains+SR x 10, 185+8 Chains+SR x 10,
Bench Press
135x5, 135x5, 165x5, 180x8, 205x5, 235x9
Floor Press
185x10, 185+2 Chains+SR x 10, 185+6 Chains+SR x 10, 185+8 Chains+SR x 10, 185+8 Chains+SR x 10, 185+8 Chains+SR x 10,
Monday, April 25, 2011 - Deadlift
This was a really stupid workout. I didn't feel great but felt like I wanted to hit a new PR as I haven't tried a 1RM on deadlift for a while. I got 465 and that shot right up with no problem so instead of just being normal and trying 475 or even 480 I tried 495 and failed. Totally stupid on my part. I really do need to not suck so much at deadlifts.
135x5, 185x5, 225x5, 275x3, 315x3, 365x1, 405x1, 465x1(PR), 495xF
Speed Deadlift
225 x Doubled Mini Orange Bands 10x2
Orange Band Face Pulls
12, 12, 12, 12, 12
135x5, 185x5, 225x5, 275x3, 315x3, 365x1, 405x1, 465x1(PR), 495xF
Speed Deadlift
225 x Doubled Mini Orange Bands 10x2
Orange Band Face Pulls
12, 12, 12, 12, 12
Wednesday, April 20, 2011 - Bench Press
Bench Press
135x10, 135x5(CG), 135x5(CG), 155x5(CG), 225x5, 245x3, 260x5
SlingShot Bench Press
260x10, 260x10, 260x7, 260x8, 260x12 (longer rest period)
Deadhang Pullups
8, 6, 5
Neck Harness
35x25, 35x25, 35x25, 35x25
Ab Crunches on Bench
15, 15, 15, 15, 15
135x10, 135x5(CG), 135x5(CG), 155x5(CG), 225x5, 245x3, 260x5
SlingShot Bench Press
260x10, 260x10, 260x7, 260x8, 260x12 (longer rest period)
Deadhang Pullups
8, 6, 5
Neck Harness
35x25, 35x25, 35x25, 35x25
Ab Crunches on Bench
15, 15, 15, 15, 15
Monday, April 18, 2011 - Deadlift
Felt really good.
Stretched really good for 20-30 min.
135x10, 185x5, 205x5, 255x5, 315x5, 365x3, 405x10 (PR - 405x10 = 540 1RM)
Romanian Deadlifts (Light to focus a ton on form)
155x10, 155x10, 155x10, 155x10, 155x10
Face Pulls
50x12, 50x12, 50x12, 50x12, 50x12
Neck Harness
40x25, 40x25, 40x25, 35x25
Ab Rollouts
12, 12, 12, 12
Stretched really good for 20-30 min.
135x10, 185x5, 205x5, 255x5, 315x5, 365x3, 405x10 (PR - 405x10 = 540 1RM)
Romanian Deadlifts (Light to focus a ton on form)
155x10, 155x10, 155x10, 155x10, 155x10
Face Pulls
50x12, 50x12, 50x12, 50x12, 50x12
Neck Harness
40x25, 40x25, 40x25, 35x25
Ab Rollouts
12, 12, 12, 12
Friday, April 16, 2011 - Leg Press
I was going to squat light tonight but my Groin still hurt a little and I really don't want to mess with it. Instead I did a little leg pressing. Oh, and I LOVE facepulls.
Stretched for a good 20-30 min.
45x12, 135x5, 165x5
Leg Press
200x10, 400x10, 490x10, 490x10, 580x10, 670x10
Hamstring Curls
110x10, 140x10, 160x10, 180x10, 200x4+160x4+120+4+80+4
Face Pulls
45x12, 45x12, 45x12, 45x12, 45x12, 45x12
Stretched for 10 min.
Stretched for a good 20-30 min.
45x12, 135x5, 165x5
Leg Press
200x10, 400x10, 490x10, 490x10, 580x10, 670x10
Hamstring Curls
110x10, 140x10, 160x10, 180x10, 200x4+160x4+120+4+80+4
Face Pulls
45x12, 45x12, 45x12, 45x12, 45x12, 45x12
Stretched for 10 min.
Thursday, April 15, 2011 - Stretch, Yoke Night
Went over to the PBOC with Justin and ran into Josh so we were able to hang out and help him with WOD 4 for the Games. What a WOD that was and Josh did a fantasitic job. I have included the video he sent to the Games.
Stretched for 20-30 minutes.
Deadhang Chinups
5, 5, 6, 5, 5, 5
Neck Harness Yoke Work
35x25, 35x25, 35x25, 35x25
Stretched for 20-30 minutes.
Deadhang Chinups
5, 5, 6, 5, 5, 5
Neck Harness Yoke Work
35x25, 35x25, 35x25, 35x25
Fisty the Bear.
So I was in the process of setting up a party for a friend. Since this was an Alaskan party I thought it would be fun to have a bear running around to scare people, make people laugh, and participate in games. I decided to turn to Craigslist and place an add to see if anyone could help me out.
Here is the add I placed:
Wanted, Bear to run around a party for about an hour or so to scare some friends, play some games, and create a fun Alaskan theme for a party. Please send a picture or video and please be local to Alaska.
Here is a rather disturbing reply and video I received.
Hello, My name is Fisty the Bear.
As you can see from the paper I am holding I am local to Alaska. I would love to attend your party. I love playing all sorts of games to include scat games, "face painting", and any sort of fisting fun you want. I have included a video of myself. Please let me come and party. RAWR.
Sincerly, Fisty the Bear
I am not going to reply as this is not at all what I had in mind.
Here is the add I placed:
Wanted, Bear to run around a party for about an hour or so to scare some friends, play some games, and create a fun Alaskan theme for a party. Please send a picture or video and please be local to Alaska.
Here is a rather disturbing reply and video I received.
Hello, My name is Fisty the Bear.
As you can see from the paper I am holding I am local to Alaska. I would love to attend your party. I love playing all sorts of games to include scat games, "face painting", and any sort of fisting fun you want. I have included a video of myself. Please let me come and party. RAWR.
Sincerly, Fisty the Bear
I am not going to reply as this is not at all what I had in mind.
Wednesday, April 13, 2011 - Bench Press
Trained with Justin again and we went for a bench PR. I had a good night and Justin barely missed 405. It was a fun night of benching and good to train with someone again.
Bench Press
45x12, 135x5, 185x5, 225x3, 275x1, 295x1(PR), 305x1(PR)
Kroc Rows
45x30, 45x30, 45x30
EZ Bar Curls
70x10, 70x10, 70x10
Preacher Curl Machine
80x10, 80x7+1, 80x12+2
Cable Crunches
110x15, 120x30, 120x30, 130x15
Stretched for about 15 minutes.
Bench Press
45x12, 135x5, 185x5, 225x3, 275x1, 295x1(PR), 305x1(PR)
Kroc Rows
45x30, 45x30, 45x30
EZ Bar Curls
70x10, 70x10, 70x10
Preacher Curl Machine
80x10, 80x7+1, 80x12+2
Cable Crunches
110x15, 120x30, 120x30, 130x15
Stretched for about 15 minutes.
A couple of videos from SPF Quest for Ultimate Glory
Mark Bell on the top 10 all time total list at 275.
Highlights of SPF Quest for ultimate glory
Highlights of SPF Quest for ultimate glory
Monday, April 11, 2011 - Squats
Finally back in the gym. I stretched pretty good and warmed up rather well I thought. On my set with 365 I felt a nice a "pop" in my right groin. It hurt but wasn't too bad. I decided to push for a PR since I was still feeling strong. As I was going down and back I kept whispering to myself, "careful, careful, careful". Not really PR words like screaming to yourself in your head, "EXPLODE! EXPLODE! EXPLODE!". I still got the PR and feel like I have at least another 10-20 pounds but I really didn't want to push it.
135x5, 185x5, 225x5, 275x5, 315x5, 365x3, 405x1, 445x1(PR)
135x5, 185x5, 225x5, 275x5, 315x5, 365x3, 405x1, 445x1(PR)
Wednesday, March 30, 2011 - Bench Press
Today was a hell of a day in the Groj. I spent almost six hours out there today. Justin came over and hit bench with me pretty darn hard. That was a blast. After that Farren came over and we got his 1RM Bench and worked on a few techniques.
Stretched and Rolled
Bench Press
45x12, 135x10, 145x5, 165x5, 175x5, 205x5, 235x11 (PR - 235x11 = 325 1RM)
Slingshot Bench Press
315x4, 315x4, 315x5, 275x10
Bench Dips
BWx20, 80x15, 80x15, 135x15+90x6+45x1
Kroc Rows
40x25, 40x25, 40x25
Justin with the Slingshot and 405.
Me playing with the Slingshot and 315.
Stretched and Rolled
Bench Press
45x12, 135x10, 145x5, 165x5, 175x5, 205x5, 235x11 (PR - 235x11 = 325 1RM)
Slingshot Bench Press
315x4, 315x4, 315x5, 275x10
Bench Dips
BWx20, 80x15, 80x15, 135x15+90x6+45x1
Kroc Rows
40x25, 40x25, 40x25
Justin with the Slingshot and 405.
Me playing with the Slingshot and 315.
Tuesday, March 29, 2011 - Deadlifts
Stretched and hit the foam roller well before hitting this one.
135x10, 185x5, 225x5, 275x3c, 315x5, 365x5, 390x10 (PR - 390x10 = 520 1RM)
SSB Deadlifts
I tried this one with 135 and the SSB. I figured out quite quickly that this is a two person movement after dumbing the SSB.
Chain Suspended SSB Good Mornings 200x10, 200x10, 200x10, 200x10, 200x10
135x10, 185x5, 225x5, 275x3c, 315x5, 365x5, 390x10 (PR - 390x10 = 520 1RM)
SSB Deadlifts
I tried this one with 135 and the SSB. I figured out quite quickly that this is a two person movement after dumbing the SSB.
Chain Suspended SSB Good Mornings 200x10, 200x10, 200x10, 200x10, 200x10
Safety Squat Bar Deadlifts
An awesome video from Lexen Xtreme. We will be doing these Monday...
Also a motivational video from the Lexen Xtreme crew athe Blackstone Meet.
Also a motivational video from the Lexen Xtreme crew athe Blackstone Meet.
Saturday, March 26, 2011 - OH Press
Spent some time getting the Groj squared away and had a little impromptu OH Press workout. I ended up feeling pretty good and pushed a 10 pound PR. That was certainly not something I was expecting.
OH Press
45x12, 65x5, 95x3, 125x3c, 145x1, 165x1, 185x1, 195x1 (PR), 200x1 (PR)
Below are a couple of videos of my PRs at 195 and 200.
195 with a nice view of my mutton chops and a pretty smooth push.
200 was a lot slower but I got it. Sadly the mutton chops didn't help me as much during this lift.
OH Press
45x12, 65x5, 95x3, 125x3c, 145x1, 165x1, 185x1, 195x1 (PR), 200x1 (PR)
Below are a couple of videos of my PRs at 195 and 200.
195 with a nice view of my mutton chops and a pretty smooth push.
200 was a lot slower but I got it. Sadly the mutton chops didn't help me as much during this lift.
Some training at Westside and Donnie Thompson
Westside Barbell 03/24/11 – Some very cool training techniques in here to include reverse band Slingshot Bench Press.
Donnie Thompson at SPF March Madness 2011 Squats. Donnie gives some great commentary on his attempts. Also is a video of Mark and Donnie talking.
Donnie Thompson at SPF March Madness 2011 Squats. Donnie gives some great commentary on his attempts. Also is a video of Mark and Donnie talking.
Tuesday, March 22, 2011 - Bench Press
Had a good one tonight.
Bench Press
135x12, 135x5, 175x5, 175x3, 185x5, 205x5, 235x10 (PR - 235x10 = 313 1RM)
Deadhang Chins
6, 6, 6
14, +25x6, +25x6, +25x6, 8, 8
Kroc Rows
45x20, 45x20, 45x25
Kettlebell WOD
35# kettlebell (biggest they had) 30 secs. of work, 30 secs. of rest for 10 minutes.
15 minutes of Strectching and Inversion Table
Bench Press
135x12, 135x5, 175x5, 175x3, 185x5, 205x5, 235x10 (PR - 235x10 = 313 1RM)
Deadhang Chins
6, 6, 6
14, +25x6, +25x6, +25x6, 8, 8
Kroc Rows
45x20, 45x20, 45x25
Kettlebell WOD
35# kettlebell (biggest they had) 30 secs. of work, 30 secs. of rest for 10 minutes.
15 minutes of Strectching and Inversion Table
Saturday. March 19, 2011 - OH Press Deload
Stayed at the Aurora and just did Dumbbell Shoulder Press for the deload, nothing too major at all. Just tried to stick in deload mode.
Dumbbell Shoulder Press
35x10, 45x5, 45x5, 45x5
Curl Grip Lat Pulldown
135x12, 205x5, 205x5, 205x5, 205x5, 205x5
Treadmill - 15 Minutes
Dumbbell Shoulder Press
35x10, 45x5, 45x5, 45x5
Curl Grip Lat Pulldown
135x12, 205x5, 205x5, 205x5, 205x5, 205x5
Treadmill - 15 Minutes
Friday, March 18, 2011 - Deload Squats
Super crap day at work so I was looking forward to going to the gym and just doing some deload/speed squats. I used the doubled mini-bands and ended up going heavier than I had planned. The weight just felt good.
PISS-UPS - 25x3
Squats (bands were doubled red mini bands for roughly 200# at the top)
135x12, 135x10, 135x5, 155+200x3, 225+200x3, 245+200x3, 245+200x3, 275+200x3, 315+200x3, 315+200x3, 335+200x3 (PR)
Leg Extenions (One Legged)
20x10, 50x10, 50x10, 50x10, 50x10, 50x10
10 Minute Row
20 Minutes of stretching
Here are a couple of motivating squat videos for the day. Adam Driggers from Team Samson and the crew from Super Training.
PISS-UPS - 25x3
Squats (bands were doubled red mini bands for roughly 200# at the top)
135x12, 135x10, 135x5, 155+200x3, 225+200x3, 245+200x3, 245+200x3, 275+200x3, 315+200x3, 315+200x3, 335+200x3 (PR)
Leg Extenions (One Legged)
20x10, 50x10, 50x10, 50x10, 50x10, 50x10
10 Minute Row
20 Minutes of stretching
Here are a couple of motivating squat videos for the day. Adam Driggers from Team Samson and the crew from Super Training.
Squats and Reeses Peanut Butter Cups
Some awesome Squat Videos from Team Super Training. Now off to go and get myself a Reeses...
Wednesday, March 16, 2011 - Deload Bench Press
Bench Press
135x10, 135x5, 135x5, 135x5
Deadhang Chinups
5, 5, 5, 5, 5
EZ Bar Curls
55x10(w), 65x10(n), 65x10(n), 65x10(n), 65x10(n)
Hammer Curls
15x10, 20x10, 20x10, 25x10, 25x10
Kettlebell WOD
35# kettlebell (biggest they had) 30 secs. of work, 30 secs. of rest for 10 minutes.
Awesome video with some HUGE benching from Team Super Training.
135x10, 135x5, 135x5, 135x5
Deadhang Chinups
5, 5, 5, 5, 5
EZ Bar Curls
55x10(w), 65x10(n), 65x10(n), 65x10(n), 65x10(n)
Hammer Curls
15x10, 20x10, 20x10, 25x10, 25x10
Kettlebell WOD
35# kettlebell (biggest they had) 30 secs. of work, 30 secs. of rest for 10 minutes.
Awesome video with some HUGE benching from Team Super Training.
Saturday, March 12, 2011 - Overhead Press
Deadhang Pullups
5, 5, 5, 5, 5
Overhead Press
45x12, 75x5, 95x5, 115x3, 115x3, 135x3, 145x3, 165x6 (PR - 165x6 = 192 1RM)
A little motivational video here. Matt Wenning at the 2009 SPF Pro Am. He has 3 amazing squats.
5, 5, 5, 5, 5
Overhead Press
45x12, 75x5, 95x5, 115x3, 115x3, 135x3, 145x3, 165x6 (PR - 165x6 = 192 1RM)
A little motivational video here. Matt Wenning at the 2009 SPF Pro Am. He has 3 amazing squats.
AJ Roberts World Record Total
I thought this even deserved it's own post. AJ Roberts World Record Total.
1140 Squat
870 Bench
815 Deadlift
2825 TOTAL
1140 Squat
870 Bench
815 Deadlift
2825 TOTAL
Friday, March 11, 2011 - Squats
Back up on the slope and I hit the gym with Justin. It sure is nice to have a training partner again for a little while.
45x12, 135x5, 185x5, 225x3, 275x3, 315x3, 335x3, 385x7 (PR - 385x7 = 462 1RM)
Wide Stance Box Squat with doubled EFS Red Pro Mini Bands (we figured about 200# total at the top of the squat with both bands)
225+bands x 10, 10, 10, 10, 10
Hamstring Curls
110x10, 120x10, 140x10, 140x10, 140x10
Strict hanging feet to bar
4, 3, 3, 3, 5(took my shoes off, they must have weighed 100# ea.)
Ab Rollouts
10, 10, 10, 10, 10
45x12, 135x5, 185x5, 225x3, 275x3, 315x3, 335x3, 385x7 (PR - 385x7 = 462 1RM)
Wide Stance Box Squat with doubled EFS Red Pro Mini Bands (we figured about 200# total at the top of the squat with both bands)
225+bands x 10, 10, 10, 10, 10
Hamstring Curls
110x10, 120x10, 140x10, 140x10, 140x10
Strict hanging feet to bar
4, 3, 3, 3, 5(took my shoes off, they must have weighed 100# ea.)
Ab Rollouts
10, 10, 10, 10, 10
Tuesday, March 8, 2011 - Good Mornings
I really need to work my lower back. Upper back for that matter as well. This was another Super Training inspired exercise for the day. I didn't have much time at all but I wanted to get these in before picking he kids up from school.
Chain Suspended Safety Squat Bar Good Mornings
30x12, 150x5, 200x5, 240x5, 260x5, 270x5, 280x5 (PR - 280x5 = 315)
Chain Suspended Safety Squat Bar Good Mornings
30x12, 150x5, 200x5, 240x5, 260x5, 270x5, 280x5 (PR - 280x5 = 315)

Monday, March 07, 2011 - Overhead Press
Had a good Overhead Press workout. I love these.
OH Press
45x12, 75x5, 95x5, 115x5, 125x5, 135x5, 155x9 (PR 155x9 = 199 1RM)
OH Press Volume - 60%
115x10, 115x10, 115x10, 115x10, 115x10
Deadhang Chins
6, 6, 6, 6, 6, 6
Gray Band Tri Pull Downs
12, 12, 12
Neck Harness
35x25, 25, 25, 25
OH Press
45x12, 75x5, 95x5, 115x5, 125x5, 135x5, 155x9 (PR 155x9 = 199 1RM)
OH Press Volume - 60%
115x10, 115x10, 115x10, 115x10, 115x10
Deadhang Chins
6, 6, 6, 6, 6, 6
Gray Band Tri Pull Downs
12, 12, 12
Neck Harness
35x25, 25, 25, 25

Saturday, March 05, 2011 - Squats
This was a pretty darn good day in the Groj. My form wasn't too tight but I felt strong enough. I also added in some Close Stance Safety Squat Bar Box Squat as per Jess from Team Super Training and also some Seated Safety Squat Bar Good Mornings to strengthen my upper back for squats as seen in Matt Wenning's latest Squat video.
I was able to get a new PR of 405x4 on my squats. My form was a mess tonight and you can sure see it towards the end, I will keep working on it.
Ethan also hung out with me and he decided to do a little rowing in between swinging on the rings and climbing on the wall. He knows how to roll. He kept his diaper on so he didn't need to take any bathroom breaks while rowing. I may need to think about that in the future.
45x12, 135x5, 185x5, 225x5, 245x5, 275x3c, 315x3, 365x3, 405x4 (PR)
Close Stance Safety Squat Bar Box Squat w/3" Foam
65x10, 155x10, 165 + 4ea. 1/2" Chains x 10, 165 + 8ea. 1/2" Chains x 10, 10, 10
Seated Safety Squat Bar Good Mornings (Intentional Rounded Back)
155x10, 155x10, 155x10, 155x10, 155x10
Deadhang Chinups
5, 5, 5, 5, 5

I was able to get a new PR of 405x4 on my squats. My form was a mess tonight and you can sure see it towards the end, I will keep working on it.
Ethan also hung out with me and he decided to do a little rowing in between swinging on the rings and climbing on the wall. He knows how to roll. He kept his diaper on so he didn't need to take any bathroom breaks while rowing. I may need to think about that in the future.
45x12, 135x5, 185x5, 225x5, 245x5, 275x3c, 315x3, 365x3, 405x4 (PR)
Close Stance Safety Squat Bar Box Squat w/3" Foam
65x10, 155x10, 165 + 4ea. 1/2" Chains x 10, 165 + 8ea. 1/2" Chains x 10, 10, 10
Seated Safety Squat Bar Good Mornings (Intentional Rounded Back)
155x10, 155x10, 155x10, 155x10, 155x10
Deadhang Chinups
5, 5, 5, 5, 5
Thursday, March 03, 2011 - Curlz for the Girlz
Took my rest night and decided to "play" and do some curls.
Deadhang Chins
5, 5, 5, 5, 5
Incline DB Curls
25x10, 25x10, 25x10
Barbell Curls (Wide Grip - Index Finger on the Power Rings)
45x12, 65x10, 65x10, 65x10, 65x10, 65x10 65x10
Hammer DB Curls (Across my chest)
15x10, 15x10, 15x10
Kneeling Band Pullover
Orange Band x 15, 15, 15 Gray Band x 15, 15, 15
Deadhang Chins
5, 5, 5, 5, 5
Incline DB Curls
25x10, 25x10, 25x10
Barbell Curls (Wide Grip - Index Finger on the Power Rings)
45x12, 65x10, 65x10, 65x10, 65x10, 65x10 65x10
Hammer DB Curls (Across my chest)
15x10, 15x10, 15x10
Kneeling Band Pullover
Orange Band x 15, 15, 15 Gray Band x 15, 15, 15
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