140x3 - 160x3 - 170x3 - 185x1 - 205x1 - 205x2 (I am so looking forward to doing M.E. with a safety rack and bumpers again.)
Speed = Hanging Power Cleans (week 3)
10 x 3 @ with 140#. Damn I love these things. When the form is right they seem effortless.
P-Chain = 4 Sets of 40 Incline Situps and 20 Back Extensions.
Dumbbell Complex - Holding a pair of 15 lb. dumbbells by your sides, complete AMRAP in 15 min of:
10x Squats
20x Alternating Lunges (10 per leg)
10x Thrusters (the ceiling was too low for jumping thrusters)
Completed 5 rounds and 4 squats. This overall was a long workout and a lot of fun. I felt good doing everything, M.E, Speed, the Dumbbell Complex, all of it. I would have to say though by the end I was hating life. I always think the last workout was the worst. They always seem to get worse though. I love the fact that I get nervous going into these things. I anticipate the suck and so far the suck has never let me down, this complex especially.
Thanks again Jason for the Dumbbell complex, they work great up here.
Here is a picture of my little sweat angel from tonight.
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