Today was a hell of a day in the Groj. I spent almost six hours out there today. Justin came over and hit bench with me pretty darn hard. That was a blast. After that Farren came over and we got his 1RM Bench and worked on a few techniques.
Spent some time getting the Groj squared away and had a little impromptu OH Press workout. I ended up feeling pretty good and pushed a 10 pound PR. That was certainly not something I was expecting.
Super crap day at work so I was looking forward to going to the gym and just doing some deload/speed squats. I used the doubled mini-bands and ended up going heavier than I had planned. The weight just felt good.
PISS-UPS - 25x3
Squats (bands were doubled red mini bands for roughly 200# at the top) 135x12, 135x10, 135x5, 155+200x3, 225+200x3, 245+200x3, 245+200x3, 275+200x3, 315+200x3, 315+200x3, 335+200x3 (PR)
Leg Extenions (One Legged) 20x10, 50x10, 50x10, 50x10, 50x10, 50x10
10 Minute Row
20 Minutes of stretching
Here are a couple of motivating squat videos for the day. Adam Driggers from Team Samson and the crew from Super Training.
Wide Stance Box Squat with doubled EFS Red Pro Mini Bands (we figured about 200# total at the top of the squat with both bands) 225+bands x 10, 10, 10, 10, 10
I really need to work my lower back. Upper back for that matter as well. This was another Super Training inspired exercise for the day. I didn't have much time at all but I wanted to get these in before picking he kids up from school.
Chain Suspended Safety Squat Bar Good Mornings 30x12, 150x5, 200x5, 240x5, 260x5, 270x5,280x5 (PR - 280x5 = 315)
This was a pretty darn good day in the Groj. My form wasn't too tight but I felt strong enough. I also added in some Close Stance Safety Squat Bar Box Squat as per Jess from Team Super Training and also some Seated Safety Squat Bar Good Mornings to strengthen my upper back for squats as seen in Matt Wenning's latest Squat video.
I was able to get a new PR of 405x4 on my squats. My form was a mess tonight and you can sure see it towards the end, I will keep working on it.
Ethan also hung out with me and he decided to do a little rowing in between swinging on the rings and climbing on the wall. He knows how to roll. He kept his diaper on so he didn't need to take any bathroom breaks while rowing. I may need to think about that in the future.
Garbage deadlift night. I was able to pull per my 5/3/1 but that was it. Felt really weak and out of form. Joe did have a great night though and he was the highlight of the evening. He pulled a PR of 110. A little rounding of course but he did great. For a while there I think he was just waiting for me to yell at him to stand up. :)