
Wednesday, February 03, 2010 - Snatch Balance and Barbell Complex

Snatch Balance - 3-3-3-3-3-3
Just used 95# and worked on form. This was a rather foreign movement but should help a lot with the mechanics of the Snatch.

This is a transition week as we work into the new template. We will pick back up next Wednesday with Hang Power Snatch week 3.

GHD Raises 2x Max set. OUCH!

Barbell Complex - 5 rounds w/95#

10 deadlifts
10 bent over rows
1 clean and press
10 back squats
10 good mornings
1 behind the neck press
10 pushups on the bar

Below is a lame video of the last round of the five rounds in the barbell complex. Form is out the window and I was tired. My lower back was just dying due to the lactic acid. I am sure there was even a little hydrochloric acid, nitric acid, and maybe even some citric acid in there as well.

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