Super Awesome Hi-Tech Bench Press Way Better Than A Bar Machine Thing - 5-5-5-5-5
160x5, 175x5, 190x5, 205x5, 220x5, 235x3, 250x1(Globo PR)
Dumbbell Supine Bench Press
3x10 w/50# Dumbbells (biggest they have, wouldn't want to get hurt) + 10 Push-ups each set.
Dumbbell Incline Bench Press
3x10 w/50# Dumbbells + 10 Push-ups each set.
Dumbbell Incline Chest Flys
3x10 w/35#
Bodyweight Bench Dips 5x20.
Reality is that we were in a Phase II and I couldn't leave the building to go to my usual little hole in the wall gym with actual weights. I was very excited to work the Ed Coan Bench Press Routine into the Starting Strength tonight. Looks like it will have to wait. I am really anxious for that and want to get my bench up to at least 300. There is no way it will happen in the gym at the Aurora doing 21's for Guns. Well, maybe if I did the chest flys on that little inflatable ball next time...
As I was walking out of the gym there was the latest issue of Muscle & Fitness sitting on a break table. I almost picked it up, but didn't. I suppose my hypocrisy does has limits.

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