
Wednesday, January 12, 2011 - Deadlift

Things have finally settled down a little up here and I was free to head back over to the gym at the PBOC. I was pretty rested. I have eaten well. I was feel pretty good and was hoping for a PR. I decided to try and pull Sumo and see what I could do. I wasn't able to pull off the PR at all and pretty much wasted myself in the process so I didn't even pull past 435. Today (13th) my low back and glutes are just trashed from the sumo pulling. I suppose that is a good thing I guess.

Sumo Deadlift
135x10, 185x5, 225x5, 275x5, 315x3, 365x3, 405x3, 425x1(conv.), 435xF, 435x1(conv.), 435x1(conv.)

Romanian Deadlift
315x5, 315x5, 315x5, 315x5, 315x5

Below is a great video with for a deep squat and improved mobility.

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