
Monday, December 13, 2010 - Deadlift

Tried a few new things today. I read an article by Marc "Spud" Bartley talking about sticking points on the deadlift and weak deadlifts overall.i Marc has totaled Elite and is a MONSTER in Powerlifting.aI decided to start adding in some rack pulls at different heights and also while I am on the slope add in some "paused" leg presses.yHopefully that will help to finally start bringing up my deadlift.

In my video my form isn't the best but not too bad for a max.mI played with my form a little tonight and actaully really played with my setup.bMark Bell helped a deadlifter add 50 pounds to his deadlift pretty quick by taking a short setup and just essentially standing, bending, and exploding. This worked well for me all the way to about 405 but then I started losing my arch at the higher weights.aI am going to keep working that into my program as I think it will really help.

135x12, 185x5, 225x5, 275x5, 335x3, 385x3, 405x3, 435x1, 455x1 (PR)

Paused Leg Press
495x10, 495x10, 495x10, 495x10, 495x10

Rack Pulls (just below my kneecap)
405x5, 455x3, 475x1, 475x1

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