Here ia a video from the NEBO Gym showing how they do knee wraps. VERY COOL!
Westside Barbell Training 12/21/ 2010
I just had to add this here. An amazing video of the training at Westside.
Wednesday, December 29, 2010 - Bench Press
OK, so I have been benching a lot this past couple of weeks and haven't done much else. I will be back on the 3/5/1 program Friday. I need to work on my bench and I haven't had a ton of energy to run squats and deadlifts. I decided to see what the sling shot could help me with tonight and I was really amazed. I came away from the workout feeling really wiped out and overloaded, it felt great. This is the first time I have really ever felt my CNS taxed this much during a bench night. I am really impressed. I'm alive but I'm barely breathing...
Bench Press
45x12, 95x10, 135x5, 155x5, 185x5, 205x3, 235x6, 255x1, 280xF
Bench Press w/Sling Shot
280x6, 300x3, 315x2, 325x1(PR)
Volume Bench Press w/Sling Shot
225x10, 225x10
225 + 2 ea. 1/2" chains
10, 8, 9
Neck Harness Work w/35# Kettlebell
20, 20, 20, 20, 20

Bench Press
45x12, 95x10, 135x5, 155x5, 185x5, 205x3, 235x6, 255x1, 280xF
Bench Press w/Sling Shot
280x6, 300x3, 315x2, 325x1(PR)
Volume Bench Press w/Sling Shot
225x10, 225x10
225 + 2 ea. 1/2" chains
10, 8, 9
Neck Harness Work w/35# Kettlebell
20, 20, 20, 20, 20
Saturday, December 25, 2010 - Bench Press
I got one of Mark Bell's Sling Shots for Christmas and wanted to try it out.
Bench Press
135x12, 135x12, 155x5, 185x5, 225x6
Volume Bench Press w/Sling Shot
225x10, 225x10, 225x10, 225x10, 225x10
Bench Press
135x12, 135x12, 155x5, 185x5, 225x6
Volume Bench Press w/Sling Shot
225x10, 225x10, 225x10, 225x10, 225x10
Thursday, December 23, 2010 - DE Overhead Press
Tonight I did DE Overhead Press with the addition of chains. This was something I have never done before and I really haven't heard being done much. In the end this was just a lot of fun and something I will do in the future.
Joe also hung out in the gym with me tonight and he ended up doing a 45# Push Press. It was really cool.
DE Overhead Press
95 + 2 ea. 1/2" chains
3, 3, 3, 3, 3
95 + 4 ea. 1/2" chains
3, 3, 3, 3, 3
25, 25, 25, 25, 25
Band Tri Pullover with Grey Band
12, 12, 12, 12, 12
Joe also hung out in the gym with me tonight and he ended up doing a 45# Push Press. It was really cool.
DE Overhead Press
95 + 2 ea. 1/2" chains
3, 3, 3, 3, 3
95 + 4 ea. 1/2" chains
3, 3, 3, 3, 3
25, 25, 25, 25, 25
Band Tri Pullover with Grey Band
12, 12, 12, 12, 12
Monday, December 20, 2010 - DE Deadlifts
I felt really explosive and had a great time with DE Deads tonight.
DE Deadlifts
135x5, 225x5
225 + Purple Bands
3, 3, 3, 3
225 + Purple Bands + 4 ea. 1/2" chains
3, 3
225 + Purple Bands + 4 ea. 1/2" chains + 2 ea. 3/4" chains
3, 3, 3, 3
Deadhang Chinups
7, added 35# - 3, 3, 3, 2, 2
Brown's Tri and Bi Blaster
30# Dumbbells
10+10, 10+10, 10+10, 10+10, 10+10
25, 25, 25, 25

DE Deadlifts
135x5, 225x5
225 + Purple Bands
3, 3, 3, 3
225 + Purple Bands + 4 ea. 1/2" chains
3, 3
225 + Purple Bands + 4 ea. 1/2" chains + 2 ea. 3/4" chains
3, 3, 3, 3
Deadhang Chinups
7, added 35# - 3, 3, 3, 2, 2
Brown's Tri and Bi Blaster
30# Dumbbells
10+10, 10+10, 10+10, 10+10, 10+10
25, 25, 25, 25
Saturday, December 18, 2010 - Bench Press
Bench Press
45x12, 135x5, 135x5, 155x5, 185x5, 225x3, 245x5, 265x1, 275x1(PR)
Floor Press
145 + 4 ea. 1/2" chains and orange mini band
10, 10, 10, 10, 10
Straight Bar Curls
45x12, 65x12, 85x12, 85x10
Brown's Tri and Bi Blaster
25# Dumbells
10+10, 10+10, 10+10, 10+10, 10+10
45x12, 135x5, 135x5, 155x5, 185x5, 225x3, 245x5, 265x1, 275x1(PR)
Floor Press
145 + 4 ea. 1/2" chains and orange mini band
10, 10, 10, 10, 10
Straight Bar Curls
45x12, 65x12, 85x12, 85x10
Brown's Tri and Bi Blaster
25# Dumbells
10+10, 10+10, 10+10, 10+10, 10+10
Team Super Training - Squatting the Blues!
Here is an awesome video from Team Super Training. They are squatting using double blue bands. The double blues add 400-450 pounds at the top.
Monday, December 13, 2010 - Deadlift
Tried a few new things today. I read an article by Marc "Spud" Bartley talking about sticking points on the deadlift and weak deadlifts overall.i Marc has totaled Elite and is a MONSTER in Powerlifting.aI decided to start adding in some rack pulls at different heights and also while I am on the slope add in some "paused" leg presses.yHopefully that will help to finally start bringing up my deadlift.
In my video my form isn't the best but not too bad for a max.mI played with my form a little tonight and actaully really played with my setup.bMark Bell helped a deadlifter add 50 pounds to his deadlift pretty quick by taking a short setup and just essentially standing, bending, and exploding. This worked well for me all the way to about 405 but then I started losing my arch at the higher weights.aI am going to keep working that into my program as I think it will really help.
135x12, 185x5, 225x5, 275x5, 335x3, 385x3, 405x3, 435x1, 455x1 (PR)
Paused Leg Press
495x10, 495x10, 495x10, 495x10, 495x10
Rack Pulls (just below my kneecap)
405x5, 455x3, 475x1, 475x1
In my video my form isn't the best but not too bad for a max.mI played with my form a little tonight and actaully really played with my setup.bMark Bell helped a deadlifter add 50 pounds to his deadlift pretty quick by taking a short setup and just essentially standing, bending, and exploding. This worked well for me all the way to about 405 but then I started losing my arch at the higher weights.aI am going to keep working that into my program as I think it will really help.
135x12, 185x5, 225x5, 275x5, 335x3, 385x3, 405x3, 435x1, 455x1 (PR)
Paused Leg Press
495x10, 495x10, 495x10, 495x10, 495x10
Rack Pulls (just below my kneecap)
405x5, 455x3, 475x1, 475x1
Role Models. Idols. Heroes.
Lot's of people havetsomeone they look up to. It maygbe a movie star. It may be a political figure. It may be acsports star. They may have posters in their room or stickers on their car. They may wear their jersey or go as far as painting theiroface at a game. I only have a few people I respect and two lifters that fit that category for me are Jim Wendler and Jason Pegg.mHmmm....I may have fucked up.gNaaaaaaaaa...

SATURDAY, DECEMBER 11, 2010 - Overhead Press
Overhead Pressi
45x12, 75x5, 95x5, 105x5, 115x5, 135x5, 145x5
Overhead Press (Volume 70%)m
135x7, 135x7, 135x7, 135x7, 135x7
Deadhang Pullupsy
6, 6, 6, 6, 5+1 Kip
Below is a great view of what the crew at Team Super Training is doing.
45x12, 75x5, 95x5, 105x5, 115x5, 135x5, 145x5
Overhead Press (Volume 70%)m
135x7, 135x7, 135x7, 135x7, 135x7
Deadhang Pullupsy
6, 6, 6, 6, 5+1 Kip
Below is a great view of what the crew at Team Super Training is doing.
Friday, December 11, 2010 - Squat
135x5, 185x5, 225x5, 275x5, 315x5, 335x5, 365x5
Box Squat
245x10, 245x10, 245x10, 245x10, 245x10
Leg Curls
130x10, 130x10, 130x10, 130x10, 130x10
Some BIG squats and some "HIGH" squats from Team Super Training. Mark is very funny in this one.
135x5, 185x5, 225x5, 275x5, 315x5, 335x5, 365x5
Box Squat
245x10, 245x10, 245x10, 245x10, 245x10
Leg Curls
130x10, 130x10, 130x10, 130x10, 130x10
Some BIG squats and some "HIGH" squats from Team Super Training. Mark is very funny in this one.
Wednesday, December 08, 2010 - Bench Press
Bench Press
135x12, 135x5, 135x5, 155x5, 165x5, 185x5, 225x5
Dumbbell Press
80's x 10, 80's x 10, 80's x 9, 80's x 9, 80's x 9
Deadhang Chinups
5, 5, 5, 5, 5, 4
8, 8, 7, 8, 5
Below is a video from Mark Bell at a recent powerlifting seminar at CrossFit Pleasanton.
135x12, 135x5, 135x5, 155x5, 165x5, 185x5, 225x5
Dumbbell Press
80's x 10, 80's x 10, 80's x 9, 80's x 9, 80's x 9
Deadhang Chinups
5, 5, 5, 5, 5, 4
8, 8, 7, 8, 5
Below is a video from Mark Bell at a recent powerlifting seminar at CrossFit Pleasanton.
Monday, December 06, 2010 - Deadlift
This was my second week on the 5/3/1 Reloaded schedule. Really should be 3/5/1 now actually. So I just did my sets of 5 with no addional work load. No singles and no going beyond 5 reps on my last set.
For my accessory work I started working on my Sumo Deadlift form. I want to start playing with this a little more and see if it can help me at all. It was a new movement and I am sore in a few areas so if nothing else mixing them in is a good thing.
I added in close grip bench presses for volume since the deadlifts/sumo deadlifts hit my back pretty good so I decided not to throw in good mornings.
i'm addicted
to the pain, the stress, the drama
i'm drownin so I guess i'm a mess
cursed and blessed
135x10, 185x5, 225x5, 245x5, 275x5, 320x5, 360x5
Sumo Deadlift
225x10, 225x10, 225x10, 225x10, 225x10
Close Grip Bench Press (50%)
135x10, 135x10, 135x10, 135x10, 135x10
For my accessory work I started working on my Sumo Deadlift form. I want to start playing with this a little more and see if it can help me at all. It was a new movement and I am sore in a few areas so if nothing else mixing them in is a good thing.
I added in close grip bench presses for volume since the deadlifts/sumo deadlifts hit my back pretty good so I decided not to throw in good mornings.
i'm addicted
to the pain, the stress, the drama
i'm drownin so I guess i'm a mess
cursed and blessed
135x10, 185x5, 225x5, 245x5, 275x5, 320x5, 360x5
Sumo Deadlift
225x10, 225x10, 225x10, 225x10, 225x10
Close Grip Bench Press (50%)
135x10, 135x10, 135x10, 135x10, 135x10

Saturday, December 04, 2010 - Overhead Press
Good and bad night in the gym. I set a new PR on the press of 190 but hurt my left arm in the process so I didn't do any accessory work.
Overhead Press
45x12, 75x5, 95x5, 115x3, 125x3, 140x3, 155x8 (155x8 = 192 1RM), 165x1, 175x1, 190x1 (PR)
Jason, check out the video from Team Super Training. I figured you would like it.
Overhead Press
45x12, 75x5, 95x5, 115x3, 125x3, 140x3, 155x8 (155x8 = 192 1RM), 165x1, 175x1, 190x1 (PR)
Jason, check out the video from Team Super Training. I figured you would like it.
Friday, December 03, 2010 - Squat
What a strange day. The world just sort of closed in and sapped a lot of my energy and motivation. We went into Phase I conditions and the storm was supposed to get worse so I really questioned even going to the gym at all. I figured at the last minute that the gym would be the best thing for me and I turned right around in the room to make the drive to the gym.
Once in the gym everything melted away and it was good and comfortable. I was able to sink into a nice groove and felt pretty strong. I like the 5/3/1 Reloaded program a lot so far due to the heavy singles. On my final 3 set at 365 I left probably 3 or 4 reps on the table so that I could focus well on the singles. I put 385 up for 3 which felt pretty easy. I then had an easy 405 and 425. I decided to try a new PR of 435. The first rep went up good so I decided to go for a second. As I was going up you can see I lose the arch in my back, I started to lean forward, I knew I was doing it so I tried to compensate and ended up losing my balance backwards. double. Soon though.
Below is my 435 video and a video from the Swole Patrol at the Elite FTS UGSS. What an amazing event that must have been.
45x12, 135x10, 185x5, 225x5, 245x3, 285x3, 325x3, 365x7 (365x7 = 1 RM of 438), 385x3, 405x1, 425x1, 435x1 (PR)
Once in the gym everything melted away and it was good and comfortable. I was able to sink into a nice groove and felt pretty strong. I like the 5/3/1 Reloaded program a lot so far due to the heavy singles. On my final 3 set at 365 I left probably 3 or 4 reps on the table so that I could focus well on the singles. I put 385 up for 3 which felt pretty easy. I then had an easy 405 and 425. I decided to try a new PR of 435. The first rep went up good so I decided to go for a second. As I was going up you can see I lose the arch in my back, I started to lean forward, I knew I was doing it so I tried to compensate and ended up losing my balance backwards. double. Soon though.
Below is my 435 video and a video from the Swole Patrol at the Elite FTS UGSS. What an amazing event that must have been.
45x12, 135x10, 185x5, 225x5, 245x3, 285x3, 325x3, 365x7 (365x7 = 1 RM of 438), 385x3, 405x1, 425x1, 435x1 (PR)
Wednesday, December 01, 2010 - Bench Press
I am posting up a video I found from the Swole Patrol. These guys post on Youtube under the name of GoEliteSC and have a website Their information is great and their videos are hilarious.
135x10, 135x5, 135x5, 155x5, 185x3, 205x3, 230x8 (230x8 = 286 1RM), 245x1, 250x1, 255x1, 260x1
Dumbbell Bench Press (80 pound dumbbells)
80x10, 80x10, 80x10, 80x8, 80x7
Dumbbell Rows
100x10, 100x10, 100x10, 100x10, 100x10
135x10, 135x5, 135x5, 155x5, 185x3, 205x3, 230x8 (230x8 = 286 1RM), 245x1, 250x1, 255x1, 260x1
Dumbbell Bench Press (80 pound dumbbells)
80x10, 80x10, 80x10, 80x8, 80x7
Dumbbell Rows
100x10, 100x10, 100x10, 100x10, 100x10
Monday, November 29, 2010 - Deadlift
135x10, 185x5, 225x5, 275x3, 315x3, 385x6 (385x6 = 447 1RM), 405x1, 425x1, 450xF, 450xF, 435x1
Romanian Deadlift
275x10, 275x10, 275x10, 275x10, 275x10
Good Mornings
185x10, 185x10, 185x10, 185x10, 185x10
135x10, 185x5, 225x5, 275x3, 315x3, 385x6 (385x6 = 447 1RM), 405x1, 425x1, 450xF, 450xF, 435x1
Romanian Deadlift
275x10, 275x10, 275x10, 275x10, 275x10
Good Mornings
185x10, 185x10, 185x10, 185x10, 185x10

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