Bob is another member at Matanuska Barbell that is stronger then I am in a lot of the lifts. Bob let slip his secret the other day. He doesn't train, he "works out". Take a look at his board he "forgot" to erase. LOOK AT THAT ROUTINE! That has to be better then doing max effort squats.
I think I am going to dump the standard Matanuska training and combine the two things that have been working for Bob and Bart. I think tomorrow I am going to go and buy a pig and hammer curl it for hundreds and hundreds of reps. I think that should make me huge. To quote Bob, "Feel the pump Bitches!"
M.E. Power Cleans
95x5, 115x5, 135x5, 185x5, 205x1(PR), 210xF
D.E. 12" Box Squat w/205 + 40# Chains 10x2 w/60 seconds rest
GHD's x 40 10x2w/1 min. Rest
18, 12, 10
So is it better to train or workout? Hmmmmmm.....
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