
Monday, August 09, 2010 - Sick Day

I got sicker than crap up here. Cough, sore throat, fever, ear ache. So I missed a today. I am bummed actually. I have done really well on this program and it does bother me to miss a day. I was just too sick and too loaded up on Theraflu to squat.

So instead of posting my numbers since I am a sick wuss I thought I would post Jason Pegg's comments and video of a little squat training before the Lexen meet. Figured this could give me a little personal motivation as well.

100 Jumps

Foam Roller
Hips, IT Bands, Quads Back

Static Stretching

Bar x5
330x3 (added reverse light bands after)
600x1 (added belt after)
770x1 (added briefs after)
850x1 (added suit after)

Definitely had the gas to go much more on these. The hamstring took it very well, but the hip was a complete other story. It was killing me, even with the suit and briefs on. It hurt bad enough that this was all I did too. That, and some situps. Going to take the rest of the time up to the meet "off" from anything that puts any stress on the hip.; just going to continue with the rehab/stretching stuff, and see if it tears off or becomes awesome. That being said, the meet will be awesome, or it will suck. Who knows at this point. To be completely honest, I don't even care, I just want it to be here and over.

Here is a video of said awesomeness.

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